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All Screwed Up

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | SP | Slipcase
104 mins (NTSC)
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Tutto a posto e niente in ordine (1976)

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Their love life...their home life ...their work life...their sex life...things in general

A group of immigrants from the south of Italy live collectively in the Milano's suburbia in the 1974. Not only they share the house, but also hopes and troubles that in those years where part of the Italian society. Loves and fights among them are the mirror of the difficult environment in which the poor south Italians found themselves in the 70s in the industrial cities of north Italy.

Release Date: January 14, 1974 @ The Eastside Cinema , Manhattan

Distrib: New Line Cinema

New Line in the old days was an arthouse film distributor. They licensed their films to Magnetic Video vhs, but their lease has long lapsed and many of these films do not even belong to the current New Line owner- Warner Brothers.

They scored a cuoup with this as this was the year that Italian director Lina Wertmuller broke out with her highly acclaimed SEVEN BEAUTIES opening that same month.

She would go on to be nominated as the first woman ever for a directing Oscar. That would not happen again till 1993 when another foreigner-New Zealand's Jane campion was nominated.


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