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The Baby

Catalog Number
PH 1006
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Clamshell
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Baby (1973)

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Horror is his formula!
Pray you don't learn the secret of... The Baby

Nothing in this nursery rhymes.

Three Four Close the Door!

There shall be mayhem wherever he goes!

TV-movie perennial Ted Post served as director for the low-budget theatrical feature The Baby. Ruth Roman plays a boozy nutcase who, out of hatred for the husband who ran out on her years earlier, forces her teenaged son (David Manzy) to dress and behave like an infant. Social worker Ann Gentry (Anjanette Comer), understandably put off by the sight of a fully grown boy chewing on his toes in a playpen, sets about to rescue him. When sinister forces try to claim the "baby" from Ann, she resorts to murder.

Release Date: May 1973

Distrib: Scottia Films

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