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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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Fedora (1979)

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Famed director Billy Wilder's next to last movie had a difficult time making it to the screen. A sort of sequel to SUNSET BOULEVARD , it received ecstatic reviews from critics when it finally was releasesd at the tiny Manhattan theater , the Cinema Studio, April 15, 1979. It did respectable business, but became more of a cult item later. It has an amazing score by Miklos Roza.

Trivia: This film was based on a series of short stories. What was the title of the book? The author was a fairly successful actor through the 50s and sixties, 2 of his other books were adapted to film-one a theatrical feature the other as a tv miniseries. What were they? What genre did they share? Of his over 20 film roles as an actor , he managed to star in two films that were nominated as Best Picture-what were they?


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