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My Old Man's Place

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Glory Boy (1971)

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It will never be the same.

The young people return to My Old Man's Place.

A man without mercy. his love was hate, his passion was violence. Never turn your back on him.

Adjustment to civilian life after participating in the Vietnam War does not prove easy for an old rancher's son. The boy (Michael Moriarty) returns to his father's ranch in the Pacific Northwest and brings along two of his war-time buddies to help out. One of them is a little slow on the uptake (William Devane), the other is a former sergeant who is a little too tightly sprung (Mitchell Ryan). After some initial conflicts, they seem to get along until the sergeant goes into flashback mode, believing he is back in Vietnam.

Release Date: June 29, 1971 @ the Baronet & Forum, Manhattan

Distrib: Cinerama Releasing

One of the first of the 70s Vietnam Vet coming home from war movies. This was originally savaged by critics but has gained a following. A great cast.


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