Packaging Back
Packaging Bookend Spine
Packaging Front


Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Spawn (1997)

Additional Information

Additional Information
This tape does not have any catalog number. There is no distributor shown on the box, though a copyright for New Line Productions is present. There are spaces for the runtime and distributor on the tape label, but they have been left blank.The front of the box is clearly a photocopy of a movie poster, but the box and tape don't appear to be fake. The tape doesn't actually work, there is a severe tracking problem that causes the video to be shown on a downward angle from left to right, eventually causing the tape to stop functioning. I am not sure if this is a poorly made demo tape, fake, or something else. It has "Made in USA" stamped on the inside of the box.

Moderator Note: I suspect this is a Chinese bootleg from the poor printing quality of the sleeve.


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