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The Spy With a Cold Nose

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Spy With a Cold Nose (1966)

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The idea was implausible , the agents improbable , the chances impossible!

So naturally it worked. The whole doggoned plot!

When the Soviet Prime Minister accepts a beautiful English bulldog as a gift from the British government, he has no idea that the dog has a highly sensitive bug in its stomach. This lively British espionage farce follows what happens after the dog becomes sick. It's a sticky situation, for if a Russian vet examines the creature, he will surely find the device.

Release Date: December 19, 1966

Distrib: Embassy Pictures

One of many Bond spoofs from 1967. This was a bomb for Embassy.


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