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The Star

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The Star (1952)

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The story of a woman...who thought she was a star so high in the sky no man could touch her!

Middle-aged Oscar winning actress Margaret Elliot - Maggie to those that know her - is a Hollywood has-been. Her life is in shambles. She clings to the hope of resurrecting her past movie stardom as a leading ingénue. No one will hire her, she's penniless with creditors selling off anything that she owns that is of monetary value, and she has no one to turn to that can see her through financially. She has in the past supported her sister and brother-in-law, who still want to use her as their meal ticket. Divorced from her actor husband, she shares joint custody of their teen-aged daughter Gretchen, from who Maggie tries to hide her problems. When it looks as if Maggie has hit rock bottom, Jim Johannsen re-enters her life. Jim, who once had the stage name Barry Lester, got his big break in Hollywood movies by Maggie. He came to the quick realization that he was neither good as an actor or that he wanted to do it as a profession. He now works as a boat parts supplier and mechanic. Jim ...

Release Date: January 28, 1953 @ the Rivoli, Manhattan

Distrib: Warner Brothers

Award: Best Actress nomination at Oscars

Bette Davis tried to revive her career with another aging star role as she did in the highly acclaimed ALL ABOUT EVE. This film was considered trash at the time but still garnered her an Oscar nom as Best Actress.

Trivia: What was the irony of the Best Actress nominees that year?

Which gothic horror film was Bette Davis fired from?

What do ALL ABOUT EVE and TITANIC have in common?


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