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Stevie (1981)

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She inspired a whole generation.

This movie portrays British poet/author Stevie Smith and her life with her beloved aunt through direct dialogue with the audience by Stevie, as well as flashbacks, and narration by a friend. The movie mainly focuses on her relationship with her aunt, romantic relationships of the past, and the fame she received late in her life.

Release Date: June 19, 1981 @ the Thalia, Manhattan

Distrib: First Artists

STEVIE was one of the very few films that premiered at Manhattans famed repertory house -The Thalia- that went on to a mainstream theater. It moved to the 68th Street Playhouse and had a long, prosperous run.

STEVIE was first released in los Angeles in 1978 to qualify for Oscar consideration. Despite the highly acclaimed performances of Glenda Jackson and Mona Washbourne receiving Golden Globe nominations, as well as a Best Actress award from the LA Film Critics, the movie itself was disqualified from Oscar consideration due to a techicality of it being first shown on television.

It never received a New York engagement for lack of interest until the amazing programmers at the Thalia rescued it. The movie went on to win year end awards in 1981 as well as 1978. I can think of no other film to have accomplished that.

Trivia: This film only has 4 actors in it. Which three films in the history of the Oscars had their entire casts nominated for Oscars?

There was a film that nearly 20 years after it was released in New York was nominated for an Oscar-and won-due to another nominated film in its category being disqualified. It was directed by an iconic comedian. What was the film, the director, its category and the film that was disqualified?


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