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When Women Had Tails

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Clamshell
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Quando le Donne Avevano la Coda (1973)

Additional Information

Additional Information
A Stone Age Laff Riot

Everything You Always Wanted To Know

About Cave Women But Were Afraid To Ask

This situation sex comedy falls somewhere in between vulgarity and burlesque. Ulli (Giuliano Gemma) and his six cave-dwelling cronies try to learn all the conveniences of their era -- like building fires, using the wheel, and perfecting the use of tools and weapons. A fire engulfs their tiny island and the men are forced to take a raft to the unknown mainland. There Ulli meets Filli (Senta Berger), and he spends his time trying to make her his monogamous girlfriend by discouraging others who desire her for their own. Ennio Morricone provides the music to this feature, which was a surprising box-office hit in Italy.

Seven orphan cavemen grow up on a little island all by themselves. After a fire burns all the vegetation, they set out to find a new place to live. One day they trap a strange animal, looking very similar to them, only softer and with longer hair.

She, Filli (Senta Berger), is attracted to one of the brothers, Ulli (Giuliano Gemma), and convinces him that a certain kind of playing with each other is far more satisfying than just eating her.


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