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Who Slew Auntie Roo?

Catalog Number
VA 4218
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
90 mins (NTSC)
N/A | N/A | N/A
02848514216 | N/A
Who Slew Auntie Roo? (1971)

Additional Information

Additional Information
She's Taking A STAB At Motherhood!
Have You Ever Held a Skeleton in Your Arms?

Say goodnight to Auntie Roo, kiddies. It's dead time!

Nightmares come true in the house of Auntie Roo.

The hand that rocks the cradle has no flesh on it!

In this English film, a group of orphans visiting the home of a wealthy, retired singer (Shelley Winters) discover that the woman is hiding a disturbing secret.

Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? is a 1971 British horror-thriller film directed by Curtis Harrington and starring Ralph Richardson, Shelley Winters and Mark Lester. Like What's the Matter with Helen? (both films were included in MGM Midnite Movies Double Feature, and Winters requested that Harrington direct the picture) and better-known films such as What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? and Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte, it is one of the many films in the Grande Dame Guignol genre.

Jimmy Sangster (billed as James Sangster), Robert Blees and David D. Osborn co-wrote the screenplay. Other titles that have been used for the film are Gingerbread House (screenplay working title) and simply Who Slew Auntie Roo? (U.S. poster title), while the film tagline was "The hand that rocks the cradle has no flesh on it!".[citation needed] The working title was changed because of the appearance of the Neil Simon play The Gingerbread Lady and fears of a lawsuit over titular similarity, and the alteration of "Who" to "Whoever" after the poster was drawn up was insisted upon by Harrington. Posters exist with the full-length title, and one of those appears on the DVD cover.
Other actors in the film include Lionel Jeffries, Rosalie Crutchley, Hugh Griffith, Judy Cornwell and Michael Gothard.
The film was distributed by American International Pictures.

Release Date: March 15, 1972

Distrib; American


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