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You've Got to Have Heart

Catalog Number
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Release Year
VHS | N/A | Clamshell
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
At Last, At Last (1977)

Additional Information

Additional Information
How does a husband find his get up and go when it got up and went?

Valentina and Giovannino have just got married, but the Honeymoon has gone by and nothing happened between the two. Tension grows and they are about to break up the marriage, until a French tourist satisfies Valentina, while Giovannino regains his virility with his mother in law.

Release Date: 1977

Distrib: Joseph Brenner

This film was released under various titles such as AT LAST , AT LAST and VALENTINA , THE VIRGINS wife.

Carroll Baker spent the late 60s and 70s making films in Europe-primarily in Italy.


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