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Long Ago Tomorrow

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The Raging Moon (1971)

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Everybody needs to love and be loved. This is the story about two young people and "their" love.

...a different love story

Malcom McDowell, who went on to play a chillingly heartless young man in A Clockwork Orange, here plays Bruce, a cheerful young athlete and aspiring writer whose injuries get the better of him on the evening of his colorless brother's wedding. He loses the use of his legs and is sent to a home for the handicapped. As a result of his disability, his attitude undergoes a profound change, and he becomes a surly, resentful and difficult young man. At the home, he meets a young woman (Nanette Newman) whose disability has lasted much longer than his, and they fall in love. They become engaged, but she dies before they can get married. While this sounds relentlessly melancholy, the heart of the movie is the way in which each of the two has enriched the life of the other, and the movie is a good deal more upbeat than it sounds.

The Raging Moon is a British film from 1971 based on the book by British novelist Peter Marshall and starring Malcolm McDowell and Nanette Newman. The movie was released as Long Ago, Tomorrow in the United States.
Adapted and directed by Bryan Forbes (Newman's husband in real life), this 'romance in wheelchairs' was considered unusual in its time owing to the sexual nature of the relationship between McDowell and Newman, who play disabled people. It may have been the first film in which a person in a wheelchair is shown having sex.
The film received two Golden Globe nominations, for Best Foreign Film (English Language), and Best Song, "Long Ago Tomorrow".

Release Date: September 29, 1971 @ The Beekman, NYC

Distrib: Cinema V


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