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My Favorite Year

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Distributor Series
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Second Distributor
My Favorite Year (1982)

Additional Information

Additional Information
Oscar nom: Best Actor Peter O'Toole

Boxoffice: $20,123,620

Definitely a favorite release of many as MGM/UA released this title numerous times. First as a Big Box, than through their various lines such as Contemporary Classics. Besides the BB version, this MGM/UA Home Video release is the only one with the original poster art.

Trivia: What record does Peter O'Toole hold?

What MGM/UA film did Jessica Harper also star in that was a major flop for the studio?

Harper has starred in 3 major cult films thart did poorly in theatrical runs. One is the first of a trilogy that started in the mid 70s and just had the 3rd film released 3 years ago. The second is a film in which actress Sissy Spacek did not appear but one in which she did the art direction. The third is a sequel to a cult film that never became a cult itself. Name these 3 films?

What came of Sissy Spacek working on that film ?

What was the irony Harper starring in those 3 cult films in reference to her personal life?

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