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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Shampoo (1975)

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On Election Day, 1968, hairdresser and ladies' man George Roundy is too busy cutting hair and dealing with his various girlfriends to worry about the historic Presidential race. As George juggles the demands of his girlfriend Jill and mistress Felicia, he meets Felicia's husband Lester to try to get a loan to help his hairdressing salon. He discovers that Lester is now bedding his ex-girlfriend Jackie. Lester asks George to escort Jackie to a Nixon fundraiser, which leads both to confrontation and a crazy orgy among the high-toned guests. The next day, Nixon has won the election, and George's easygoing world is falling apart around him.

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