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Where Are the Children?

Catalog Number
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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Where Are the Children? (1986)

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Additional Information
Who is the killer? What is the reason? Why did he take them?

On her birthday, San Francisco resident Nancy Harmon's two kids Peter and Lisa disappear, later to be found dead. The police wrongfully accuse a devastated Nancy of being the killer. Nancy is found guilty and sentenced to the gas chamber, but her attorney manages to get her conviction overturned. Much to the District Attorney's dismay, Nancy can't be put back on trial because key witness Rob Legler has left the country. And Nancy's husband, college professor Carl Harmon, commits suicide. Seven years later, Nancy has relocated to a town in Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Nancy has changed her identity, re-colored her hair, and has married a realtor named Ray Eldridge, with whom she has two kids named Michael and Missy, and the terrible pain from what happened to Peter and Lisa has begun to heal. But today is Nancy's birthday. She has allowed Michael and Missy to go out to play in the back yard. Nancy opens the newspaper and is stunned to find, in the local section of the paper, her picture ..

Release Date: December 12 , 1986 @ the Guild, Manhattan

Distrib: Columbia Pictures

Columbia Pictures totally mishandled the release of this, even going to vhs before it was released in New York.


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