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The Elephant Man

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VHS | N/A | Fox Box
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Elephant Man (1982)

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An inspiring story of one man's courage.

A taped version of the stage play about a hideously deformed 19th-century London man and how he managed to triumph over his disease.

Airdate: JanUary 4, 1982

Network: ABC

HBO and Showtime had great success with filmed plays throughout the 70s and 80s. ABC tried to revive this with the premiere attraction, as well as the last in a series called ABC Theater of the Month:The Elephant Man.

In a slick cross promtional move ABC premiered this in January 1982 -also the cable premiere month of the theatrical 1980 film THE ELEPHANT MAN on HBO.

The movie and the Broadway play proved far more successful than the ABC version. It was a daring and gallant try for the network that had Joanie Loves Chachi on the air at the same time to have such a prestiguous item.

Trivia: Which pop star also played John Merrick on stage?

How many Broadway play adaptations have won Oscars for Best Picture?


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