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Full Moon High

Catalog Number
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VHS | SP | Slipcase
95 mins (NTSC)
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Full Moon High (1981)

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He's today's teenage werewolf... only the rules have changed!

This oddball werewolf outing from hit-and-miss genre auteur Larry Cohen details the comic misadventures of Tony Walker (Adam Arkin, son of Alan), a former high-school jock who is transformed into a werewolf during a family visit to Transylvania. Cursed with immortality, Tony is able to return to his old school stomping ground twenty years later and pass himself off as his own son. The outcome proves more disconcerting for Tony than for his unsuspecting friends, to whom the passing years have been less than kind. Ed McMahon co-stars as Tony's dad.

A teenager goes on a trip to Transylvania with his father and gets bitten by a werewolf. Made ageless, he attempts to put his life back together a couple of decades later by enrolling in high school. The basic premise of the movie is that he tries to keep his secret from the school and his girlfriend with comedic results. The movie was filmed partially at John Burroughs Senior High School in the city of Burbank, California, in the summer of 1979.
A portion of this movie was also filmed on location in Lyndhurst, New Jersey, on the football field in Bergen County Park at the foot of Valley Brook Avenue and River Road. The stands were filled with everyone from the town, and the varsity football team of that year were featured.

Release Date: October 1981

Distrib: Filmways

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