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Kiss Me, Kill Me

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Baba Yaga Devil Witch (1973)

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Additional Information
Strange things have been happening to Valentina, a young and beautiful professional photographer, ever since she made the acquaintance of Baba Yaga, a mysterious older woman who gave her a lift home late one night. For one thing, Valentina has been having weird, kinky nightmares. For another, one of Valentina's cameras seems to have acquired a deadly curse. And then there was that visit to Baba Yaga's house, where Valentina discovered bizarre relics, including a dominatrix doll, and a bottomless pit in the living room. Valentina comes to realize that Baba Yaga is a witch who is out to possess her - body and soul.

This went to tv syndication and home video 9in the U.S.

Carroll Baker-possibly THE most beautiful actress ever-was still in her European movie making phase after Hollywood spurned her.


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