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The Lost Man

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Lost Man (1969)

Additional Information

Additional Information
He crowded a lifetime into 37 suspenseful hours!

Jason Higgs (Sidney Poitier) is an angry black man who plans to rob a factory payroll. With the help of his accomplices Dennis (Al Freeman Jr.) and his white girlfriend Cathy (Joanna Shimkus), a racially motivated demonstration diverts attention from the crooks while they rob the safe. Jason is somewhat of a modern-day Robin Hood who wishes to use the money to help the children of incarcerated soul brothers. He only places his hope in the youth who have not been sullied or scalded by the hatred of racial prejudice

Release Date: June 19, 1969

Distrib: Universal


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