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Catalog Number
M 842
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | SP | Slipcase
92 mins (NTSC)
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Stitches (1985)

Additional Information

Additional Information
Malpractice Made Perfect

Release Date: November 1985

Distrib: International Film Marketing

A gross out comedy set in a hospital with a cdecent cast.

Trivia: Alan Smithee is a name put on the credits for directors too embarrassed by the film to want their real name on it. Name these films directed by "Alan Smithee" by their poster taglines and the real director.

A) Marshall Patch... he lived by the law of the gun...

B) An adventure about the hero in all of us...

C) He was just Ducky in "Pretty in Pink". Now he's crazy rich...and it's all his parents' fault.

D) Great Cans. Great Movies.

E) She puts a new spin on adventure!

F) History Has A Nasty Way Of Repeating Itself.

Which of these films was directed by a Best Director nominee in the 70s?

Which film was a sequel to a horror classic of the 60s?


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