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And now My Love

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Toute Une Vie (1975)

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Love at first onlClaude Lelouch's romantic drama Toute une Vie chronicles three different love affairs over three generations during the 20th century. Marthe Keller and Charles Denner portray different members of the families in each of the generations. The stories involve a cameraman's son who suffers and survives internment in a concentration camp in World War II, and his daughter, who marries a man who begins adulthood as an ex-convict and a scoundrel but gradually matures and becomes a well-respected filmmaker living in New York. Each section of the film utilizes a style of filmmaking that is associated with the time period being portrayed. Lelouch earned an Academy Award nomination (along with co-screenwriter Pierre Uytterhoeven) for his screenplay in 1975. ~ y took a few lifetimes to happen.

And Now My Love (French: Toute une vie), (Released as 'A Whole Lifetime' in Australia) is a film released in 1974 by French writer/director Claude Lelouch, starring Marthe Keller, André Dussollier, Charles Denner, and Charles Gérard.
And Now My Love was nominated for the Best Original Screenplay Academy Award in 1975. The film was also screened at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival, but wasn't entered into the main competition

Release Date: March 24, 1975

Distrib: Avco Embassy


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