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Born Again

Catalog Number
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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Born Again (1978)
Religuous Drama , Politics , Prison

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For everyone who ever wanted a chance to start over.

President Richard Nixon's legal counselor Charles Colson was tried for several criminal charges relating to the Watergate cover-up, eventually spending some time in prison. This film explores Colson's personal crisis, and the religious convictions which, crossing party boundaries, worked to bring about his conversion from being a cynical politician to becoming a committed Christian. Far from being corrupted in prison, Colson (Dean Jones) became a missionary for his beliefs and worked to reform many of the 'hard cases" he encountered there. After the period covered by the film, it is worthwhile to note that Colson chose a new career for himself following his release from prison -- prison missionary

Release Date: October 1978

Distrib: Avco Embassy

25 years before Mel Gibson's THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST made Catholics flock to movie theaters due too niche marketing in churches, BORN AGAIN did this , targeting Christians,. It succeeded on its own level.


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