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The Hostage Tower

Catalog Number
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Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Alistair MacLean's The Hostage Tower (1980)

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Additional Information
Criminal takes hostages on the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Airdate: May 13 , 1980

Network: ABC

This allstar thriller was a hit on ABC and was released overseas theatrically by Warner Brothers.

Trivia: A member of this film was cast in his first movie ever as a co lead in a 1978 film.He was cast by the director because he was his limo driver. Name the actor and the film he debuted in?

Name these Allisair MaClean novels that became films:

A)The price for uncovering the secret of " " comes high - YOUR LIFE!

B) In the right hands, fear is the deadliest weapon of all.

C) Below freezing and beyond fear... Will anyone survive its terror?

D) The Odds Against Them Were 10,000 to 1...But What the Hell!

E) It will keep you hanging on the edge of your seat!

F) Revenge Mystery Danger Ambush

G) It's a race for the secret ... or TOTAL DESTRUCTION

Which Allistair MaClean movie was nominated for Best Picture?

Which is the only MaClean movie to get a sequel?


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