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The House on Skull Mountain

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The House on Skull Mountain (1974)

Additional Information

Additional Information
Release Date: October 1974

Distrib: 20th Century Fox

Its a shame CBS/Fox used photos on their vhs boxes as THE HOUSE ON SKULL MOUNTAIN had one of the coolest poster art of the 70s.

This PG rated horror film is more Agatha Christie than horror.

Never played New York.

Trivia: 2 of the cast members here are better known for their television roles. Name them and the series they each starred in?

20th Century Fox had a flop horror film that opened in limited theaters in October 1974 as well. This starred a person more noted in another field in entertainment. This went on to be revered even though it did not do well at the boxoffice.It also receive 1 Oscar nomination. Name the star and the film?

This film also connected two actresses that were to star in 2 iconic horror films of the 70s. One acted in the film the other worked behind the scenes but later received many Oscar nominations as an actress. Name the 2 actresses and their iconic films?


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