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I Wonder Who's Killing Her Now?

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Big Box
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Kill My Wife Please (1977)

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The zaniest characters ever assembled in one motion picture.

Release Date: 1977

Distrib: Niles International

This played drive ins and filled in for films that couldnt finish their runs throughout 1977. It has a tv movie feel, but at one time these low budget comedies with some recognizable stars drew in families at Saturday matinees.

Name these family matinee comedies, from independent companies, that had some star power in the 70s. Name at least one star in the film, identified by its poster tagline.

A)It's so funny it's a crime

B) His fabulous treasure turned into sheer terror!

C) The song was scandalous. The movie is hilarious!

D) Half hero, half con-artist, all heart!

E) He's just about the nicest guy you never saw

Which one of the 5 movies listed above was later turned into a tv series?


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