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The Jupiter Menace

Catalog Number
TVB 1488
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Clamshell
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Jupiter Menace (1982)

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The Bible prophecises it. Science confirms it.

Yes, friends, the world will come to an end in the year 2000. This time, folks, we're not relying on mere Biblical prophecy, but on The Jupiter Menace. Gather closely, friends, as we tell you how, thanks to the gravitational pull of the largest planet in the Solar System, the earth will be thrown off its Axis. This won't happen, mind you, on December 29, 1999 or the 30th, or the 31st ; no, this disastrous event won't take place until the ball drops in Times Square and the world celebrates the coming of 2000. It's nice to know that our fate has been so succinctly pinpointed. Jupiter Menace is narrated by actor George Kennedy, who at last report was stocking up on breath fresheners, just in case the stores are all closed after the Apocalypse.

Release Date: June 6, 1984

Distrib: Celebrity Releasing


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