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The Last Winter

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The Last Winter (1983)

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Two Women. Both see the face of the same man. Each thinks it is her missing husband. Only one can be right. The truth will either bind them together or tear them apart.

In this emotional film related to the Yom Kippur War of 1973, an American woman and an Israeli journalist both have husbands who do not return from the fighting, and each woman is convinced that the same prisoner who appears in a film taken in an Egyptian POW camp was her husband. At first the women are antagonistic but as they continue to wait and wait with no word, they begin to empathize with each other's trauma and a deep friendship develops. Whenever the POW in question is released, one of the women may be facing a tragedy spared the other. ~

The Last Winter is a 1984 drama film directed by Riki Shelach Nissimoff and produced by Avi Lerner. The film was a joint American-Israeli venture which tells the story of two women seeking leads to their missing husbands after the end of the Yom Kippur War. A relationship builds between them when each identifies her husband in the same blurred image of a foreign newsreel.

Release Date: September 1984

Distrib: TriStar


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