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My Other Husband

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
110 mins (NTSC)
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Attention une Femme Peut en Cacher une Autre (1985)

Additional Information

Additional Information
The French My Other Husband (Attention! Une Femme Peut en Cacher une Autre) would eventually suffer the indignity of an American TV-movie remake, which will go unnamed here to protect the guilty. The original film is a sprightly vehicle for the delectable Miou-Miou. Thanks to her resourcefulness and spunk, Alice (Miou-Miou) manages to get two well-paying jobs in two separates cities. She also acquires two husbands, airline pilot Philippe (Roger Hanin) and school teacher Vincent (Eddy Mitchell), and three children unevenly distributed between them. Our Heroine is found out when Philippe's schedule is changed and he chances to meet Vincent. Both men accept the situation philosophically, but a frantic Alice feels an explanation is necessary. It is that explanation that provides the heart and soul of this irresistible little film. ~

Release Date: August 26, 1985

Distrib: Triumph Films


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