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The Secret Policeman's Private Parts

Catalog Number
M 295
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Secret Policeman's Private Parts (1984)

Additional Information

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It's a Flying Circus of Stars

The Secret Policeman's Private Parts, the second of two concert films produced on behalf of Amnesty International, is better photographed than the first (The Secret Policeman's Other Ball) but not quite as enjoyable. As in the earlier film, the show is stolen by the Monty Python aggregation: John Cleese, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman and Terry Gilliam. Also on hand are former Beyond the Fringe-er Peter Cook and musicians Pete Townshend, Phil Collins and Donovan. Fans of the artists will probably get a bigger kick out of Private Parts than casual moviegoers. Like Other Ball, Private Parts fully deserves its R rating.


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