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The Truth About Women

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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The Truth About Women (1958)

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When his son-in-law comes to him with a woeful tale of an unhappy relationship and a belief that all women are impossible to love, elderly Sir Humphrey Tavistock calmly puts him straight.

Tavistock regales him with decades-old anecdotes of found lovers and lost love. We meet in flashback the free-thinking Ambrosine Viney, an independent woman ahead of her time, and the sophisticated Louise Tiere, a diplomat's wife. There are others as well, including one whom Tavistock adores and marries, only to lose her forever during childbirth.

In comfortable dotage, baronet Humphery Tavistock (Laurence Harvey) recalls a lifetime of romantic entanglements to his wide-eyed son-in-law. Tavistock has come to the conclusion that women are a riddle wrapped in a mystery surrounded by an enigma, and his reminiscences bear this out. Among the baronet's many amours are a suffragette, a harem girl, the wife of a diplomat who "demands satisfaction", an American heiress, a bohemian artist and an army nurse. After all this, Tavistock finds lasting happiness with the first women he ever loved. The female cast of The Truth About Women features the illustrious likes of Julie Harris, Diane Cilento, Mai Zetterling and Eva Gabor, so it's little wonder that the hero has so many vivid memories to fall back on.

Release Date: August 28, 1958 by Continental Distribution


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