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The Unapproachable

Catalog Number
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VHS | N/A | Book Box
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Die Unerreichbare (1984)

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Klaudia (Leslie Caron) once starred in movies and on the stage, but now she is wealthy enough to retire to her exclusive villa and live without the interference of the world, the press, and work demands. In order to keep her solitude inviolate, she never allows anyone into the villa except for Marianne (Leslie Malton), her lone housekeeper -- her only conduit to the world outside. Marianne's boyfriend Marek (Daniel Webb) would like to get into the villa and take forbidden photos and gain all the information he can on the reclusive star. So one day when the maid is away, Marek shows up at the gate looking as though he has just been beaten up, and asks to come in to call a friend. Klaudia opens the door as though she herself were the maid, and of course, Marek already knows this cannot be. Then he "confides" that he is really there to photograph the Canaletto painting in the star's collection. The interaction between the two suggests that they will end up with more than just a quick conversation, as Klaudia wonders why Marek wants to seduce the maid after all. The intrigue continues until the next day, when the Canaletto comes back into the picture just as Marek finally achieves his objective.

Release Date: February 24, 1984 @ Vandam Theater

Distrib: Teleculture


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