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Of Unknown Origin

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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N/A | N/A
Of Unknown Origin (1983)

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The terrifying last word in home invasion from the director of "Tombstone" and "Cobra."
If it can't scare them to death, it will find another way.
Two forces have claimed the house. Only one will survive.
Peter Weller (Robocop) Turns his home into a battleground against an enemy...

mild-mannered everyman Bart Hughes has a great bourgeois life in New York City. When his wife and child leave for a vacation, Bart stays behind to work on a project that should get him a promotion. Some sort of rodent in his basement starts to bother him and consumes his time. Bart becomes obsessed with it and eventually starts losing his mind while trying to kill the creature, destroying most of his house in the process.

Release Date: November 24 , 1983

Distrib: Warner Brothers

Boxoffice: $1,080,470

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