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First Family

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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N/A | N/A
First Family (1980)

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Manfred Link is the President of the United States. He and the usually tipsy First Lady have a 28-year-old, sex-starved daughter named Gloria.
The President is surrounded by a number of eccentric staffers and allies, including vice president Shockley, ambassador Spender, press secretary Bunthorne and a presidential aide named Feebleman. He also is advised by General Dumpston, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The administration needs the support of the (fictional) African nation of Upper Gorm for an upcoming vote and must deal with Longo, that country's United Nations ambassador. Unfortunately, it can find only one American who knows how to speak the Upper Gormese language, a man named Alexander Grade.
As best they can understand it, the ruler of Upper Gorm wants, in exchange, a number of Americans sent to his land so that his country, like the United States, can know what it's like to have an oppressed minority. Gloria is kidnapped and Americans are transported to Africa like slaves.

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