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Highpoint (1984)

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The girl promised him excitement. He fell for it. The F.B.I. promised him adventure. He fell for it. The Mafia promised him his life...Whoops!

Mixing a tongue-in-cheek approach with thriller action, this routine caper story features Christopher Plummer as James Hatcher -- a businessman who has just double-crossed both the CIA and the Mafia and has to hide out -- and Richard Harris as Louis Kinney, an unemployed accountant who takes on the job of bodyguard to Hatcher's sister and mother. Eventually, both the CIA and the Mafia catch on to the fact that they have been mutually bilked out of $10 million by Hatcher, but they are further befuddled when Hatcher manages to portray Kinney as a murderer. This, of course, sets Kinney off on a manhunt for Hatcher, who is now most-wanted by just about everybody

Highpoint was a Canadian 1982 action film starring Christopher Plummer. The film was shot mainly in Quebec, but features a shot of stuntman Dar Robinson jumping off of the Toronto CN Tower in 1979. The stunt used a wire decelerator attached to his back

Release Date: August 1984

Distrib: New World Pictures


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