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The Man Who Had Power Over Women

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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The Man Who Had Power Over Women (1971)

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The man who had power over women puts it all together.

The other side of the golden disc where they break all the top-ten.

Peter Reaney (Rod Taylor) is the successful talent agent who enjoys the things that money can buy. He also considers himself a parasite, living off the talents of his clients. When his wife Angela (Penelope Horner) walks out on him, he moves in with his friend Val (James Booth) and his wife Jody (Carol White). He and Jody engage in an adulterous affair, but Peter's main worry is doing damage control for the spoiled pop singer Barry Black (Clive Francis). Peter pays off a woman impregnated by Black in order for her to afford an abortion and keep the star's name out of the scandal sheets. Sickened by Black's behavior, he quits the agency and punches out the pop star at a personal appearance. When his friend Val dies, the hard-drinking former agent is free to pursue his romance with Jody in this seriocomic satire.

The Man Who Had Power Over Women is a 1970 British comedy film directed by John Krish and starring Rod Taylor, Carol White and James Booth.[2] A successful Australian talent agent grows disenchanted with his life, which includes a failing marriage and having to represent a troublesome rock group. Further complicating things, he begins an affair with his best friend's wife.

Release Date: March 3, 1971

Distrib: Avco Embassy


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