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Octavia (1984)

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All she ever was for someone to say "I love you."

Everybody has a little murder in their heart... somewhere.

Octavia is a blind girl who is virtually a prisoner in a gothic mansion, kept there by her tyranical father. When an escaped convict seek refuge in the mansion, Octavia runs off with him.

Sightless 19-year-old Octavia (Susan Curtis) has lived since childhood in a gloomy Victorian replete with secret spaces. In this dreamy suspense drama, the lonely girl is left to her own devices but senses the presence of a silent observer. Fear and curiosity intertwine as the mystery man encroaches; when at last he intrudes, Octavia seizes the kindness of the escaped convict and abandons herself to a journey of heedless exploration.

Release Date: 1984

Distrib: International Film Marketing

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