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VHS | N/A | Fox Box
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Tattoo (1981)

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Controversial due to the fact that Bruce Dern claimed that he and costar Maud Adams made klove for real on camera. It didnt help as this movie flopped when released in October 1981.

Trivia: 2 other films of the 70s tried to create controversy by divulging the two stars really made love on screen. The first was a psycholigical thriller starring an Oscar winning actress. The second was a gothic romance which garnered the actress a Golden Globe nomination for Best Dramatic Actress. Name the films and the 4 stars? Star Maud Adams holds a distinction in the film industry as one of the few women that starred in two films from a franchise. Name the franchise and the films? Actor Bruce Dern was apart of a film that he garnered his nly nomintion for. What is that film? What does that film have in common with one of this years Best Picture nominees?


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