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Room at the Top

Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | SP | Slipcase
117 mins (NTSC)
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Third Distributor
Room at the Top (1959)

Additional Information

Additional Information
A savage story of lust and ambition

Release Date: March 30 , 1959 @ the Fine Arts in Manhattan

Distrib: Continental Distributing

Awards: Oscars for Actress and Screenplay. Nominated: Picture, Director, Actor, Supp Actress

A fine little kitchen sink movie that rose to the top as French actress won the Oscar from the 2 Hepburns, Elizabeth Taylor and a never nominated again Doris Day.

Pop quiz:

What is the irony of Taylor losing to Signoret that year?

Surprisingly, Doris Day has never won an Oscar. In the 2000s a film paid tribute to Doris Day romantic comedies of the 60s and starred an Oscar winning actress. Name this film throwback-which failed at the box office and the actress?

Who had a role in that throwback movie that has a connection to Doris Day?

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