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The Great Alligator

Catalog Number
ACE 1028
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | N/A | Slipcase
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
Second Distributor
The Great Alligator (1979)

Additional Information

Additional Information
Il Fiume del Grande Caimano orig title

Il Fiume del Grande Caimano a low budget, monster-on-the-loose Italian horror film provides more chuckles than goosebumps in all but the least-sophisticated viewer. Joshua (Mel Ferrer) is a businessman who allows his greed to overcome his misgivings when he builds a resort on the turf of an alligator god. Alice (Barbara Back) and Daniel (Claudio Cassinelli) come to the aid of the terrorized tourists and help them all escape. This film, directed by Sergio Martino and released under a variety of names including Alligators, The Big Caimano River, and Big Alligator River has bad special effects and poor acting despite its very attractive cast. Fans of horror films should look elsewhere.

The Great Alligator River, originally Il fiume del grande caimano and also known as Alligators, Big Alligator River and The Big Caimano River, is a 1979 Italian adventure film directed by Sergio Martino

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